The STRONG Life Podcast with Zach Even - Esh

Fitness #91

The STRONG Life Podcast with Zach Even - Esh gives you the tools, motivation & power to DOMINATE in the Gym AND in Life.In layman's terms, this show is a How to Kick A** and Take Names podcast in ALL areas of LIFE. Each episode covers topics such as strength & conditioning, building muscle, overcoming obstacles in life, success as an entrepreneur, success in your career and conquering ALL obstacles in life that dare to stand in your way.If you want to live life on YOUR terms while crushing your training, The STRONG Life Podcast is for you.Brought to you by

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Recent Reviews
  • Traincmc
    The Realist
    I’ve left a review on here before, but F it, I’m gonna do it again. I’ve been listening for years and this is the realist podcast I’ve come across, no fluff and no sugar coating. Zac gets down to business no matter what the topic is. I especially loved his recent interviews with Joe Kenn and Mike Boyle. So many good things to chew on in those longer episodes! This is my go to podcast while I train especially when the ultimate warrior comes on. Gets me fired up every time! Keep doing what you do brother, really appreciate your thoughts and insight on the training world.
  • NPD6222
    A LOT of Awesome Content
    Zach provides an awesome & insane amount of content - Podcasts, Youtube vids , emails, etc … it never stops - on all aspects of strength training, the fitness industry, HS sports, etc. He’s also up to date on the latest topics such as HS athletics & strength training, longevity training, etc. Most importantly, the Ultimate Warrior video is hands down , w/o a doubt, bar none, the best podcast intro out there.
  • DRizzo20
    Strength in Family, Training and Life
    The STRONG Life Podcast offers great advice for strength in ALL aspects of your life. As Zach mentions, training and strength needs to transcend beyond the walls of the weight room. The experiences he shares about training young athletes is crucial for parents. He also has great advice and tips regarding molding and developing your kids to understand training and hard work is a normal aspect of development. Another important topic often discussed is how strength training can directly impact success in your professional career. If not already, you should also be signed up for Zach’s daily emails. I look forward to new podcast episodes, as well as the information in the daily emails. Thank you Zach for all of the shared information!
  • Johnnymonstrous
    TRAINING FOR LIFE - Leave a Review People! Zach is amazing!
    I listen to Zach’s podcasts on my morning walks and his podcasts aren’t getting boring or worse - but the reviews have slowed down. My mom was just airlifted to the hospital for emergency surgery, I’m in Texas on a walk, and I took a couple minutes to sit on a large stone and write this review. I think it’s the listeners - no offense to the listeners who have already written wonderful reviews. People “don’t have time” or don’t think a review helps. Take 2 minutes - geez! This was a powerful podcast on victim mentality. There are no victims only volunteers. So volunteer to leave a big fat 5 star review and some kind words for all the passion, strong energy, and fire Zach puts into each podcast. Thanks Zach for the Strong Life and Iron Roots podcasts! Peace in strength and health, Johnny “Monstrous” Surette
  • Brad Puc
    Day by day in every way, we are getting stronger that mantra sums up this podcast. It’s relevant to life in the gym and outside the gym for young and old. I listen as often as I can since I am also a high school strength coach and teacher. As well as as a father, and avid strength trainer of myself. Great information with no fluff. That’s what we all need. Hopefully one day I can make it down to see your gym and talk shop. Keep going. Best
  • MikefromEdison
    My Regular Dose of Jersey Grit in Each Episode
    I grew up in Edison, New Jersey (Zach’s hometown) and I knew a lot of guys in my area who would speak of this “Coach Zach” and the “Underground”, and the insane workouts they would do. Fast forward and I moved to Texas back in 2014. Ever since I moved I would get homesick from time to time. I came across Zach’s podcast and hearing him speak would take me back to remembering the older-brother figures in my hometown. He’s old school, no-nonsense while at the same time being motivational and inspirational. I purchased “Operation Thunder” years ago and I use it as guide to help me with my martial arts business. It has allowed me to pursue my passion of teaching martial arts while also working a day job and having a family…all while maintaining balance. Zach’s work is second to none, and as a Jersey-Boy myself it is awesome to get my regular dose of old-school Jersey grit here in the Lone Star State through this podcast. -Michael Pana aka BayaniWarrior
  • Bjj Chef
    Juan Ponte
    Zach The stories of the 1990s bring back so many memories Let me fill you in years ago I took your coaching certification Life got in the way and work 16 years later I finally opened my own Strength and Conditioning gym for wrestlers out of my 24x 18 shed Listing to how you left your job as a school teacher and did what you loved motivated me to take the leap Your podcast is not only about training but it’s about life and business Thanks Brother
  • Wes Nichols
    Strong life Podcast
    The strong life podcast is a go to of mine. It’s definitely a top 3 strength coach podcast that you can find. Zach is a great mixture of old school toughness in the weight room meanwhile staying caught up on not just making kids bigger and stronger but producing athletes with a tough mindset. I appreciate you Zach. Follow him on Twitter (X) and instagram as well. Coach Nichols
  • Ytfit24
    HS Strength Coach
    As a hs strength coach and parent, this podcast has been an incredible resource.
  • Jgilfedder
    Advices, Tough Love, and Truth
    The fact that Coach Zach ended the year with Coach Brock, Coach Boyle, and Coach House speaks volumes of the respect and skin in the game Zach has in the S&C world! All 3 of these podcasts were worth their weight in gold. There is never an excuse to be weak in mind, body, or spirit and Zach reminds me of that daily
  • Drtstreetorig
    Zach Even-Esh and The Strong Life Podcast deliver a powerful combination of raw energy, practical wisdom, and authentic storytelling. Zach’s passion for strength—both physical and mental—shines through in every episode, making it a must-listen for anyone looking to elevate their life. Zach brings years of experience as a coach, author, and entrepreneur, sharing actionable insights on training, mindset, leadership, and personal development. What sets the podcast apart is its no-nonsense, “get-after-it” attitude, encouraging listeners to embrace hard work, discipline, and resilience. Zach’s ability to draw out meaningful lessons from his guests, whether they’re world-class athletes, coaches, or business leaders, creates a rich and varied listening experience. Listeners will appreciate the blend of practical training advice, stories of overcoming adversity, and Zach’s trademark “iron sharpens iron” philosophy. It’s more than just a podcast about lifting weights—it’s a guide to building a strong, purpose-driven life. Whether you’re a coach, athlete, or someone seeking inspiration to tackle life’s challenges, The Strong Life Podcast delivers content that motivates you to take action, embrace discomfort, and strive for greatness. Zach’s energy and authenticity make every episode feel like a pep talk from a trusted mentor. Highly recommended!
  • K. McKenna
    Highly Recommend
    Zach provides quality information about strength and conditioning and training through his podcast each and every time he puts out an episode. More importantly though, he provides a space for the zeitgeist of early underground strength training by any means necessary; in parks, garages and eventually in the gym he built from the ground up in New Jersey. His show is a place in which nostalgia for a time gone by in sports and strength and conditioning can take center stage and let people know how much of a journey training is over lifespan. He is current in his approach, reflective on where he has gone right and where he has gone wrong, and a sincere student of the game. He also has well informed guests, whose expertise and acumen add to what Zach provides in his time-tested methods. As someone who has read his books, attended his clinics in person at the underground strength gym and followed his website for around 20 years, this podcast serves as a great supplement to all his other available material. I sincerely wish there was more content available like this that I could listen to on a regular basis. I look forward to more content from Zach in the future.
  • kwom_64
    Great info for everything
    Regardless of whether I’m getting advice for my own training or for the athletes I coach, always a ton of golden nuggets in The STRONG Life Podcast.
  • bigirishchris
    Training + Life Advice
    Zach continues to put out his own unique blend of training advice that blends seamlessly into lessons for every aspect of life. Strong LIFE absolutely. I can imagine it feels like he’s banging his head against the wall in these times, but he continues to persevere and inspire all of us lucky listeners.
  • CoachCarman
    Top tier podcast
    Normally I listen to podcasts while I’m driving so writing a review was tough. But then Zach called me lazy on podcast and I knew that wasn’t me. While writing this review I looked up and saw a deer in the middle of the road. I swerved and tipped my truck into a ditch. But with Zach’s training knowledge and after reading the underground strength manual I was able to one hand flip my vehicle right side up and continue down the road. In all seriousness, this podcast is a daily listener for me. I use his knowledge to help with my own programming for high school athletes. Anyone who’s in the physical culture world needs this podcast in their routine. Thanks Zach for all you do!
  • chefbsmith
    LIFE changing!
    I’m so thankful I found this podcast and Zach’s VAST library of content. This podcast drives me to be a better dad, better husband, and better leader in my community. It has inspired me to take the Underground Strength Cert to potentially provide me more opportunity in my own business, but most importantly, help my own kids and their peers become strong, capable people who can lead their teammates and classmates. No matter what the topic of conversation is, I learn something every single time and I’m super grateful.
  • WeChat12!
    Great Podcast!
    Very much like the simple, straight to the point advice. Zach is able to describe lots of ways to train for many different goals, while still keeping the principles the same (challenge yourself, build skill and strength,…)
  • TXmed73
    Bringing the truth
    With all of the noise on the interwebs, Zach always brings the tried and true truth and accountability. The Underground podcast always drops the knowledge bombs and battles the weak mindset. Zach tells it like it is. Stop the excuses!!
  • Pastor J Scott
    Five star podcast
    Thanks for your content, Zach! I tell you, I listen to several podcasts in regards to weight training and getting fit. This podcast is one of the best by far. The stories you share inspire me to get up and do something about my health. I also signed up for the email newsletter. These two avenues of content pushes me to not be average. Getting up earlier and doing some kind of weight training or going the hard route of walking instead of sitting so long at the office. When I’m sitting too long or want to lay in bed I hear the warrior. Haha I say to myself, “I need to get up and do hard stuff.” Thanks for what you share. Keep up the great content.
  • Dag Nichols
    Review of the Strong Life Podcast
    To whom it my concern, I recommend this podcast to anyone willing to learn more about the intersection between strength training and Life. I’ve followed Mr. Even - Esh for quite a while. I first heard him on a podcast called Barbell Shrugged some years ago. I was into CrossFit then. The thing I remembered from the interview was “Man that Zach guy got me fired up”. Some background on me, I played sports all my life and began training for sports early at about 10 years old. I’m in my late 20’s now and I’ve been training in grappling and MMA for almost four years (for me, it’s somewhere in between a hobby and something serious). I purchased Mr. Even - Esh’s Body Weight Body Building Program some time ago and have used that program as the basis of all my training. I threw in some sand bag work, neck work and kettlebell work in there but otherwise the goals of that system align with mine. Train outside in all weather conditions if possible, do the work to say hostile and dangerous. I’ve also purchased his Encyclopedia of Underground Strength- great book I highly recommend it. That said, I’ve learned form Mr. Even - Esh, that which some of the mentors in my life have repeated over and over again. When it comes to strength, fitness, martial arts and training for Life: the Basics are what get you through the tough and gritty times, the injuries, the pain of loss and even the sweet but fleeting taste of victory. To Mr. Even - Esh, thank you for the time you have put in and for the work that you due in your community. People need a good source of information and you my friend are it. Thanks again and take care.
  • McAladin
    My inspiration
    I have listened to almost every episode since finding you while sitting behind a desk miserably working in corporate America. Now I spend my days helping clients and athletes achieve their goals and live a fuller life. Thanks Zac for all the content and motivations
  • Original Silky
    The best old school training podcast
    I look forward to every new Strong Life podcast. Every podcast is loaded with tons of solid training knowledge and stength history.
  • Washed Up Meathead Rhino
    Inspiring a men’s group
    Coach, Love the content. But more importantly, I wanted to thank you for inspiring me. Your work with fathers and men in your town prompted me to organize a group of men in my town. We’re a group of fathers in our 40s and 50s, and we gather on Saturday mornings for a workout. Because men of our age are carrying a lot in their lives, we always do carries and rucks as our workout. Then we go get coffee. We call ourselves the Beasts of Burden. Anyhow, thanks for encouraging me to bring this group together and for all you’re doing to teach and coach.
  • Richie990
    Zach is amazing!
    I love listening to the podcast while I’m on my lunch going for a walk. Some episodes are short and packed full of useful information. Zach keeps things simple for everyone to understand the useful information he’s giving and it’s easy to retain and make small adjustments to your daily life, workout, diet. Etc. Five Stars Jersey Strong!!
  • Jim Beach, Edinboro
    Zach Even-Esh pours his heart into every thing he does including this podcast. If you’re looking for fads or quick fixes this podcast isn’t for you. If you want time tested, proven methods from someone who’s seen and done it all in the strength world then this podcast is for you. You’re going to get cold hard truth with no shortcuts.
  • Paxton Titus
    Those that came before
    I’m feeling extremely grateful for not only this awesome podcast and great information, but for the life lessons and perspective shared through Coach Zach and his guests. In this show I get to hear from great men and women who came into the strength world long before me that talk not only about building strength and resiliency, but how to be an upstanding person. The great Coach Jud Logan would say Coach Zach is a “Light-giver” for the strength community. Illuminating the good path to walk for those that will continue the work.
  • Phillip Burleigh
    Pure passion
    I have been following Zach in some form or another for well over a decade and have listened to almost every episode of the podcast. First of all Zach is a good person and a great dad, which imo is the highest compliment you can give someone. Secondly the podcast oozes old school passion. The podcast is not all training and it’s certainly no fluff, but is the right mix of training knowledge, passionate stories about the old school that gets you fired up, amazing guest and advice to make you a better person, father and husband. If you are looking to listen to someone tell fluff stories…this isn’t your place. But if you want no non sense in your face advice from someone that walks the walk well this is your home. Zach’s re-release of the Underground Encyclopedia was much needed as I had tried for years to find a good copy. It is filled with tons of exercises, advice and programming that will is a huge help, especially for us washed up meat heads. Keep preaching your passion Zach!
  • Sparky Anthony
    Strength and Honor
    Zach stays true to himself, with a focus and passion for making you a better, stronger MAN! He’s blue collar minded, with years of experience and lessons learned. This is where you need to be!
  • Denny Krerowicz
    Loved the interview with Wendler amigo! Good stuff. I enjoyed listening about the difference between high school football athletes playing both ways compared to college or pro athletes. I also enjoyed listening to his take on the body weight work…especially the hundreds of squats he will do. It reminded me of the Ken Shamrock Lions Den tryouts he would hold and have athletes do 500 body weight squats. Good stuff. Keep it real my friend! Denny K
  • Goaliedad73
    One of the best
    Been following Zach through his newsletter, YouTube and now the podcast for over a decade. His podcast is one of the best ones out there on training and as a 50 year old, I love that he doesn’t ignore this demographic. His experience in working with “normal people” as opposed to just high level athletes makes him so much more relatable than many other coaches. Can’t recommend him or his content enough.
  • Pat77077077
    Iron Sharpens Iron
    Zac offers value to my training and life outside of the gym. As a husband and father of two young boys ages 8 and 6, I find his insight to be valuable. Zac has been a consistent contributor to my own training and I employ a lot of his methods: sleds, weighted carry’s, and calisthenics to the firefighters I work with as well. He challenges us to better ourselves and bring others along for the ride.
  • JTWhite84
    Great podcast
    Great podcast for training young athletes and busy parents. Always full of useful information and no nonsense motivation.
  • Dan TeamVH
    To my good friend Zach, congratulations on the inaugural Spartan Race! Now we can move forward with the meathead triathlon, maybe it can be part of the underground strength con! You and the Underground have been pushing myself and TeamVH on for years! We used to watch the YouTube videos as a crew in 2007. A true OG and someone we are proud to call a friend! Keep pushing! - Dan
  • dleary65
    This is the WAY
    As a Dad, I have a responsibility to not only be fit for my family but to be present, attentive & INVOLVED. This podcast and Zach’s programs can help any Dad in all of these facets of life as well as connect with others going through the same life challenges. Zach is an ELEVATOR. He brings people UP and makes them Better with tough realistic insights and training advice. Be a Better Dad. Be a Better Man. Give this a LISTEN!!
  • GB the OG
    No Nonsense Real World Coaching and Tips
    Everyone else covered that Zach walks the walk, so I’ll skip that description haha (he does 100%) In my own words I’ll say that I’ve been inspired by Zach for almost my entire career in fitness. Zach, Pavel, Brooks Kubik, and Ross Enamait were who I discovered when I was trying to get bigger and stronger as a Krav Maga practitioner and I got so much stronger that I was invited to be an instructor! I think you could put Zach against anyone as a pound for pound greatest contributor of valuable strength and life knowledge. It’s not just the high quality of the content, it’s the quantity and consistency over the years. Funny enough, it was my journey as a father that caused me to start listening more often because he drops great content on navigating fatherhood as well. I recommend this podcast to any athlete, parent of an athlete, or man who wants to be stronger in all ways.
  • Matteoishim
    Zach walks the walks
    I’ve been following and trying to learn from Zach for like 15 years. I’ve purchased and read a few of his books (you should too). I listen to all the podcasts and subscribe to the newsletter (you should too). Zach is always learning - and thus so are you! Zach walks the walk - which in this day and age is just an amazing thing. Over the last 15 years or so, he has responded to every question I’ve ever had. We happened to be in the neighborhood of the Underground, and he was gracious enough to allow my son to train there. No questions asked. The world is crazy right. Zach is a voice of strength and reason. I have 3 young active children. My only goal is to help them develop into mentally and physically strong and productive adults. His words of wisdom and daily practices serve as a guide for all of you who share my purpose. Whether he’s talking about his wolf pack (Ben Franklin called it a Junto) or how we should be constantly trying to “break” our perfect programming, the dude knows what he’s talking about. Listen to him. Learn from him. Live the code. Zach - keep pushing brother! Thank You Sachin
  • jldduncan99
    No bull, no excuses!
    Just listened to the latest drop that was a throwback to Heavy Duty Mike Mentzer! This is why I listen to Zach, always putting out info from every useful example! Not only does he give advices on training, he also shows how to apply to your daily life! No matter your focus or goals, he provides all the information and resources you need to reach your target! Meat and potatoes with no fluff or fads! I purchased the Encyclopedia of Underground Strength and Conditioning and use it weekly for my training sessions! The info only works if you do!!! Keep it coming, this is what is needed most in today’s world!!!!
  • 13BW
    Crushing Mediocrity
    Zach is awesome. He is old school and keeps it real. He preaches the ground truth of strength and fitness.
  • Mustafa92!
    Zac’s Strong Life Forever
    Two reviews on average per week ? This man elevated my approach to training and life since I was a teenager back in 2006. I write this review not because he has called us to action, but because I have read and bought his literature. I have read each page and visualized the parallels of our coach and applied his advices within my life. Each repetition and set echoes a familiar voice that demands greatness. I YEARN for my own cabin escape into the wilderness with a Rudy character of my own. But guess what folks, this coach and his passion has produced work consistently and has saved my life on more than one occasion. In my 30s now and searching for tranquility, this podcast feels like it’s designed for students of war like myself. The underground is a training arena for those seeking the transcendence into true professionalism. Because of you sir, I have found a place among the equipment and the stones where I find myself and lose myself at the same time . One day I’ll have the privilege to meet the man sharpening our swords and strengthening our souls. Forever the strong life !
  • Mv67239
    The show intro says it all!
    The show’s intro says it all. Unknown podcast host 1-“have you ever heard of Zach Even-Esh?” Unknown podcast host 2-“no, what’s that?” Zach and the Strong Life Podcast are just that. It’s not a who but a what. It’s elemental. It’s a slap in the face of mediocrity. I get pumped every time I see a new episode drop because I know it’s going to give me a violent shove from complacency into action. Make an anabolic shake and give it a listen!
  • Redlizzy_03
    An Enlightening Experience
    I recently had the pleasure of meeting the host of this podcast at the Spartan Intensive Wrestling Camp in Vermont. Due to an unfortunate ear infection, I missed the morning workout he detailed in his episode, but I was able to join in a later practice. Despite my setback, I was captivated by his insights on training and recovery. He emphasized that training hard isn't enough—we need to recover hard too. This resonated deeply with me. Listening to his conversation with Joe DeSena, I felt a spark of enlightenment. My usual gym routine has been heavily focused on muscle building, but this podcast opened my eyes to the broader aspects of becoming a well-rounded athlete and individual. There's so much more to athleticism than just lifting weights, and this podcast is a fantastic guide for anyone looking to elevate their game.
  • AntCap143
    Reality check
    The gimmicks are just smoke and mirrors to avoid good, old-fashioned hard work. NO GIMMICKS HERE. Progress starts with the truth, and consistency with the basics is what will provide you with strength for a lifetime. I use information from Zach to tweak my own routine as well as the student athletes I coach (including my own children). I love the history lessons behind programs, techniques and nutrition. Sometimes we over complicate things and lose sight of what really works - Zach helps me get licked in. I preach effort and attitude to the kids I coach and if you apply effort and attitude towards the programs here, or one you create using the information, be prepared to conquer your goals. GET YOUR LEARN ON! P.S. lots of great advices in the podcast and the website
  • Brianjhal
    Strong life
    My son just started going to The Underground. He’s in season so only twice a week but already I see a difference in the soccer field. Can’t wait for summer and some serious training. Thanks Zach
  • Gdroyal45
    Keepin it real!
    Love the content. Zach is out here spitting the truth and keepin it real. Great info and ending his pods with the warrior is perfect. Great content and great resources. So expensive it’s FR-EE.
  • Macchip
    Summer strong 17
    I was one of the lucky ones who got the chance to meet Zach at SS. If you’ve ever wondered if he was the real thing, let me tell you he is. Not only gracious for my years of following his work but also took the time to ask about my son. In a world of pseudo strength coaches, Zach is 100% real. Looking forward to that 500lb DL
  • guy7712
    Summer Strong
    Listened to episodes 447 and 448 today and I really enjoyed the lessons and stories from summer strong! I agree with Zach that men need to hangout and bond more than we do.
  • Dchat500
    5 Star!
    As an up an coming S&C conditioning for the middle and high school wrestlers in my town this is the most valuable information out there for me. Zack continues to put out the same amazing training advice that someone like myself needs and wants every single week! Thank you brother!
  • honphog
    Outstanding Podcast!! Must listen!!
    Absolutely love the podcast and the information Zach provides and discusses. I feel like Zach and I are very likeminded and I love how he keeps it real and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. I was a wrestler and my kids are in wrestling now and I really like all the wrestling and strength content Zach provides.
  • David Ridos
    Awesome Content
    Let's get fired up ZEE! Thanks for all the great content man! Appreciate it!
  • Chatt towns finest
    Great all around teaching
    I have listened to Zach for almost 8 years now. I have read and reread his Encyclopedia of Underground strength. His passion for strength in all areas of life is infectious.
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