Who Wears the Pants


What happens when an international model and touring musician settle down into the suburbs and experience life after baby? Listen along with the hilariously relatable couple, Abbie & Josh Herbert as they trade bottle service for morning bottles, and sold out venues for Sesame Street performances. But life’s not a drag for this family. They’ll get candid about life on screen, becoming local celebrities, and spilling tea with their famous couple friends in games of who knows who better, and more! Wake up with them each morning and scroll through Twitter as they break down the craziest news on the internet, hot neighborhood gossip and who’s turn it is to change Poppy’s diaper.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kristenblinton
    Podcast Lover!!
    I love their YouTube channel and love their podcast too.Recommend this podcast for anyone and everyone.
  • Yessi926
    Need Season 2!
    Guys it’s time to come back! Miss your podcast!!! Mom of 2 under 2 and these are so relatable and helpful!
  • zoe987654321
    when will season two be out bc I can’t wait, this break is tooooo long, ur all I listen toooo please 🙏🏻 also. LOVE THIS FREAKING PODCAST!
  • ssmuel james adams the man
    Season 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love this podcast so much! Please come out with a season 2
  • Crystal_C1979
    Season 2 please!!
    I hope y’all come back for a second season, I love listening to y’all’s podcast!!
  • Keybam
    Don’t stay gone
    Please come back
  • piggy 🐖🐖🐖
    Please please please make another season!!! This podcast has been so fun to listen too and I ❤️ the Chaos!!!
  • Sambart
    The only podcast I like
    I look forward to every new episode and Josh is so relatable with his anxiety/panic disorders. LOVE THEM
  • ericallllllllll
    I LOVE JOSH AND ABBIE 🩵🥰🥳✌🏽🩷🥹🤌🏼
    Josh and Abbie, I love this podcast so much! I listen to it at work and it makes my day go by so fast:) I sometimes catch myself laughing out loud while i’m working. You guys are so funny and enjoyable to listen too! I hope you guys continue to spread joy and happiness across the world! Thanks for all you guys do! XOXO -erica howard:))) P.S. tell poppy and jagger hi for me!!!!
  • Laodjdksksjdjsh
    I’ve watched you guys on TikTok for years now and I just started listening and now it’s what I look forward to everyday! Still catching up on old episodes but love the realness and vulnerability of this podcast! xoxo
  • 🤒🤧🤢🤮🤑
    This podcast is awesome
    I love how real theyre being on the podcast and you tell its not scripted and theyre just talking casually.
  • savmmmmmi
    REAL conversations-love them!!!
    They are such a fun couple and have real conversations. Love to listen each week!
  • glee2216
    ❤️ shoutout!
    I have never listened to a podcast till now!! I have been following y’all well before poot and i love yall and your little family is just so beautiful! I have been listening all day and y’all are just so relatable and I love it! So many helpful tips on marriage, life, kids, ext. 10/10 recommend!!! Y’all remind me of me and my fiancé and it really feels like I’m sitting on a back porch talking to y’all! Everyone should listen to them and or watch them! ❤️ Love, Gabi
  • jules.clare
    i Love josh and abbie. i love josh’s humor😭 anyways this podcast is perfection!! Love y’all!!🤍
  • ✨Brylie✨
    Omg so inspiring
    Thank you guys love the podcast
  • Dana_rio
    Josh and Abbie are so much fun, I absolutely love listening to their podcast! They are so genuine and tell things how it is. Poppy is the cutest little girl and I just love your little family! Listening from Chicago, Illinois!
  • Wellie Moore
    Hi my names Amelia and I have been watching you from the start! I love your content and I love listening to you podcast in the car and on the bus! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🫶🏻
  • sulaktaylor
    Shout out
    This podcast makes me laugh and gives me motivation to get through my studying as i’m in college going to school to become a special agent for the FBI
  • grace_kellogg
  • jjeesssyygiiirrrlll
    You guys are awesome!! Love listening to you guys, reviewing so you get your dream house for josh 😂
  • Fallon Trethewey
    SHOUT OUT 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌺🌈🏒🏀
    HELLO! I absolutely love you guys! I watch your TikToks all the time, your YouTube channel! I find you guys hilarious! Now although josh is hilarious I’m partial to Abbie! She is absolutely amazing! She’s stunning and smart and HILARIOUS! I can relate to her too much. Not to mention she is an amazing mom! Sincerely, Fallon!❤️
  • Kirsten Nicole W
    I love the Herberts Podcast and Youtube videos!! Such a stress relief listening and watching especially at work🥰😇😇😎🤪🤓🤩🤯🤑🎀💙💖
  • popaholic699
    Love Love Love!! 🫶🏼
    hi this is Morgan, and i absolutely love y’all!! so excited for baby boy!!! 💙💙💙
  • “Crime Junkie”
    i am in love
    I love the podcast but the manscaped ads throw me off
  • gretchie :)
    i absolutely love y’all’s podcast! i listen to it when i’m getting ready in the mornings and when i’m in the car. you guys are so funny and your podcast brings a smile to my face. i really enjoy this podcast so thank you!
  • JessicaW1992
    Poots Parents Podcast 😂❤️
    The dynamic between Josh and Abbie as a married couple and new parents is admirable. They work together and are able to laugh and have fun at the same time. They are just couple and parent goals. I love watching and listening to the podcast and being able to see their family grow through reels and tik toks. But if im being 100% honest, im here for Poppy 90% of the time 🥰
  • kat.bakescakes
    Always love to listen!
    I always love listening to the show. Always funny and relatable. Can’t wait to meet baby J.
  • puppylove7854
    Must watch!
    I love your podcasts! They are so raw and real and sometimes funny. Very entertaining to Watch and listen. Some things Abby have really helped me overcome some anxieties and depression I have had. Keep it up!!
  • cee-chel
    Love them!
    Love your podcasts and your honesty! Thanks for sharing :)
  • Emma.Rasmussen
    You guys never fail to make me laugh when listening to your podcasts. Josh is hilarious and Abby’s laugh is so contagious. Looking forward to more and patiently awaiting baby J’s arrival, so cute!
  • vaeh.s
    Love them!!
    They are soo unbelievably real in all of their podcasts videos! I feel like im sitting there with them and its so cool how they can just talk and be open with a bunch of strangers lol! They feel like family ❤️❤️
  • Maddiecr345
    Love this!!
    I love podcasts but have trouble sticking to them if I don’t absolutely fall in love, but I truly love this one and am back every week!! ❤️
  • Poozleloo
    Wonderful Podcast
    Love seeing the glimpses into your lives and the great relationship Abbie and Josh have! You always give me great laughs, you are always you no matter the nah sayers! You two are awesome!
  • EaB-20
    This is a very real and raw podcast that talk about so many good topics with practically no filters which I love.
  • bfbutbad
    Love y’all!
    I love watching the podcast on YouTube!! Y’all are so funny and I can’t get enough! Keep up the realness y’all bring to the podcasts
  • kaylalamneck
    I love your podcasts! Super relatable and funny. I can’t wait to listen to more!
  • Rhojean23
    Fun content with fun people
  • hayl_n_c
    Best podcast
    Love this podcast!!
  • JenniferArmstrong814
    Love it!
    Love how genuine you guys are!💓
  • Lailahchristine
    Best pod cast !!!
    Most podcast tends to lose my interest quickly because I have a short attention span but yours have kept my attention I love hearing your stories and hearing your input things and hearing and as well as seeing you guys grow as a family you guys are one of the most down to earth people and such a cute family and it makes my day knowing you’re gonna upload an episode of a podcast and you guys both inspire me a lot by showing me that you can be yourself no matter what people say and at the end of the day you guys have impacted my life in so many ways just by posting I love your podcast and I’ll continue to listen to every single time I’ll forever support you guys !!🫶🏼🫶🏼
  • Georgias19
    Y’all make me laugh every single episode. Thanks for being so honest and open!
    The real+honest couple podcasts
    I love your podcasts! You guys are the most real couple on the internet. Their stories are so legit and fun.
  • Marionz1991
    New listener i absolutely love there podcast i very much enjoy listening
  • ApieZA
    Amazing listen🤩
  • Ugjdkdd
    I love this podcast .. its so down to earth and genuine and funny
  • Miss. Bri Bri
    Who actually wears the pants?
    Love the Herbert’s! They are silly, real, and great people as far as the ear can hear! And of course we love a tall queen and short king!
  • shanan slaughter
    Same role reversal
    Love listening to you guys and watching your videos because we relate so much! Keep creating!!
  • chloeeats
    So entertaining!!
    These podcasts are so entertaining and Abbie and Josh are so funny!! they know how to do a talk show style and always keep you listening with their stories 🙃
  • Lexiifritzz
    I absolutely love listening to Abbie & Josh’s podcast! They’re so fun and engaging
  • aves✨
    As a teen that’s wants to have a healthy marriage in the future I love listening and learning from this podcast! ⚡️
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