Father Knows Something


Welcome to Father Knows Something! Real People. Real Stories. Real Dad advice. Jerry is just a normal guy who has an abundance of life experience, kindness, quirkiness, and humor. If you're struggling with something, maybe his advice is just what you need. And if he can't maybe the millennials that join him, Morgan and Justin, can chime in to help.Jerry is not a licensed therapist, doctor, or life coach. He's just a 64 year old guy who knows some stuff (maybe?)

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Recent Reviews
  • Mamanort
    Morgan Takeover
    Leave it to Morgan to turn another show political.
  • motherofrabbits
    Morgan stop interrupting please
    We want to hear Jerry, too.
  • gracey94
    LOVE everything except Morgan is constantly interrupting Jerry. Morgan—you have your OWN podcast where you can talk all you want! PLEASE let Jerry finish his thoughts without you consistently cutting him off after every other word. It’s not a fair back and forth if you’re hijacking his time by not letting him finish what he’s saying.
  • J<3 :)
    One of my fave podcasts
    Good podcast. Love Jerry. Morgan could you possibly let your dad talk without interrupting?? Would be great. Thanks!
  • 🍓🍌🍓🍌
    fun podcast
    this is supposed to be a fun OPINION BASED podcast, but whenever jerry has an opinion or makes a joke, according to morgan if his opinion isn’t the same as hers it’s wrong & if jerry tries to add a lighthearted joke she completely ignores him. this is supposed to be jerry’s podcast but morgan is trying to control everything that goes on
  • Vgkray
    Give real advice, not what you think Morgan would approve.
    I want to start by saying that I really liked this show. At first it seemed like really great dad advice but it’s kind of turned into every single write-in the advice is the same, “go to therapy”or “go to counseling” and while that might be great for some people, I don’t know that the writers are really writing in for that advice. Imagine going to someone you trust and pouring your heart out and then their advice is, go to therapy. Okay thanks super helpful. I think it’s a crutch to not say anything that rocks the boat, and sometimes, some advice is gritty and tough love. I think Morgan really steers the convo here and shuts down any of Jerry’s advice anytime she thinks he’s getting off her PC band wagon. Therapy is great, but if the advice is going to be, go to therapy, the podcast doesn’t need to be 45 minutes long, it can be 3 .
  • MAggie2881
    Jerry’s show
    Let me Start off by saying that I love Jerry and I love the show FKS. I enjoy hearing Jerry‘s wisdom and advice when it comes to everyday complications. I also love hearing Justin‘s take. I feel like this masculine energy and their advice is always calm, thoughtful and effective. I do have an issue with Morgan. This is HIS show as you have your own. Even though you hep produce it, we’re here for Jerry’s advice. I don’t mind hearing your takes but you seem to over power the conversations and get snippy when you’re not agreed with. As one who’s recently lost a father, it triggers me when Morgan is mean to Jerry. She may not see it by her snarkiness is evident when Jerry tells stories or makes a joke.
  • agajsv
    More Jerry please
    I love this show I love Jerry. Morgan takes over more often than not, is rude to Jerry and even tells him they’re changing the name of HIS show. I would give it a higher rating if in the future it was more Jerry and his fatherly advice and less Morgan with ever never ending opinions.
  • La Byrd
    The Best!!!!
    I love the real story write ins! Such a great podcast also just useful information to know sometimes! Love yalll!!!!
  • scarahboness
    Jerry is a true gem. Advice is always on point and I love the dad jokes! Keep up the good work
  • Lanibobonni
    I would love to hear more of Father and less of daughter. Morgan, I love your show, let your dad have this one. Jerry has great points and advice and all you do is repeat what he says, but way more talking. I could do without you reiterating what he said and talking over him. Actually, Jerry, I know you love your daughter, but you can do this show by yourself. I love your voice, your humor, and your take on the issues. Maybe have other guests. Ones who don’t interrupt, condescend and who get your jokes.
  • Hannah lyons 22
    Love the podcast
    Love everything about the pod except I feel Morgan is a bit rude and insensitive to Jerry at times. I know it’s a father daughter relationship but sometimes I feel she talks down to him, not understanding his jokes and telling him he’s not funny or just simply showing she is is irritated with him. I love everything you guys cover, coming from a girl who doesn’t have a dad to talk to, it just hurts my heart to hear sometimes. I mean this with the best intentions as well. I have listened to tht from the very beginning and wait for new episodes every week to come out!
  • ____luisaaa
    I only have a D A D degree!
    I love this podcast. The banter & advice dad, Morgan, and Justin provide every episode is what keeps me coming back. Love the gang! ❤️
  • shannasheree
    I love the dynamic between Jerry and Morgan. This podcast is so wholesome and sweet. It’s my feel good podcast when I need cheering up. Thanks for sharing your family with us.
  • Nandazgd
    Morgan you have your show which I love!! But you constantly nagging your dad and “correcting him” and “explaining” the story when his advice doesn’t make sense to YOU is so annoying and awkward to hear. We are AWARE that you went to school for OT and we are AWARE of all the things you know and whatnot but pls pls let your dad lead. HE is the reason why we listen. Not you! You have your own ❤️ love the pod!! Jerry always has such good dad advice and knowledge!
  • d.rosita
    Not that great
    Morgan needs to get off her high horse
  • four::twentyy
    Let Jerry Speak!!!
    I’m a long time THT listener and started listening to FKS about 6 months ago. I ADORE Jerry! His dad jokes are thee best and his advice is on point. Buuuut…Morgan tends to take over on every episode and gives way too much of her own advice when fans are writing in to get fatherly advice. I mean, the pod is called FATHER Knows Something. And poor Jerry always tries to make cute jokes but Morgan always seems to act embarrassed. It makes me sad because it’s literally HIS show but it seems he is hardly a part of it. Honestly, I find myself skipping over all of the parts where Morgan is going on and on so that I can get to the next story. I do love when Justin is on though because he lets Jerry talk and Justin also gives really good advice while also keeping it short. I get that Morgan does so much for her dad’s podcast as far as coming up with themes, reading/organizing write-ins, recording/editing/posting the episodes but when it comes to the advice it should be all about good ol’ JerrBear❤️
  • Mmecale
    Weird coincidence
    I just started listening to this podcast as I have been listening to the original THT and loved the ones Jerry was on. I am currently on I believe it's the 3rd or 4th episode called Parenting Problems and one of the questions was about what to name their child and Morgan was saying how important names were to some people and she gave examples of names of Elizabeth and Misty. Oddly right now I am babysitting my grand niece who's name is Elizabeth and my name is Misti. I just thought it was an odd coincidence that I was listening to this episode at this time where Morgan mentioned both our names. I do love this podcast and THT!! Jerry is awesome as is Morgan and Justin!! Will continue to listen to both but I am the type of person that likes to listen from the beginning and it will take me some time to get completely caught up to the current episodes. But I am determined and will get there soon! Love you guys!!
  • WillowMo
    Love it!
    I absolutely love all of the advice given! It’s genuinely helpful and entertaining at the same time. So glad I found you through THT!
  • Britttt420
    Love FKS!! Great podcast!!!
    Came across this show d/t THT, and have fell in love with show just like I have w/ THT. Thank you so much Jerry, Morgan, and Justin for the dedication and time you put into each show. Both shows are a part of my weekly routine and I don’t know what I do without either! Also, love that you guys added “sock time” into this weeks episode, made me smile!!
  • coffeeintheAM
    love the Reddit questions but..
    Why are Justin and Morgan so rude to Jerry whenever he does something that he thinks is funny? i notice it in almost every episode. Does it kill you both to atleast laugh at his jokes instead of saying “what?” “Huh?”. Other than that.. i love Jerry’s advice! Way better than Morgan’s unrealistic advice
  • Livia Elf
    Love this show
    Came from two hot takes, and I love this podcast. I think there is always great advice given and it is very calming to listen too. Also love the fun socks!
  • 12megs12
    I love this podcast but wow, the amount of times that morgan’s advice is “try going to therapy” makes me wanna rip my hair out. yes therapy is great but omg
  • Ur_mom113
    Like it but don’t love it
    The podcast is called father knows something not Morgan knows something. Morgan takes over the majority of the episodes that she is on and attempts to make her takes seem more valid than Jerry’s when it is literally his show. There are also times when Morgan seems annoyed with Jerry or actually argues with him until he gives up on his take which is really uncomfortable to listen to. If Morgan would support Jerry rather than try to belittle him it would be a much better show.
  • queenkathryn
    Love FKS 💕
    It’s like having a second dad’s opinion on everything! Love it! 😁
  • Kayleeanna Marie
    I love this man “All bets are off until the I DO’s” 😂😂😂😂😂
  • olivia_sob
    Such a great podcast!
    I love listening to this podcast!! One suggestion that would make following the stories so much easier for your audience: when stories are submitted using initials “H” or “J” (for example), PLEASE make up a name to use for the story (Harry or John). The initial stories are getting too difficult to follow.
  • Pengy_0612
    Heck yeah!
    I am in love with this podcast. Your dad advice is always sound in logic and experience. My recommendation is never have Taylor on again. He seems pretty toxic by the "advice" he was giving. "she started it." "She's nagging him" "she's looking for a perfect relationship and it's never going to happen" dude has issues with women. I think he's the one that Morgan says she had a lot of problems with when she was younger. I can definitely see why. If you could also just start giving additional info and ideal outcome right away, it'd save every one some time. Why hold the info back? So you can hash the same scenario two different times? Seems repetitive and silly when you can just give that info right away and only discuss it once and then move on.
  • belle82454
    Theme song is a favorite in our house
    First of all, I love the show and always appreciate Jerry's opinion on all these topics. Fun little thing: I listen to the podcast when I'm trying to get chores down around the house with my baby. They LOVE the theme music, big smile and happy feet as soon as it starts. Brings me so much joy and I always grab them if they aren't already with me so we can dance along to the music and may even replay it a couple times before actually listening to the episodes.
  • LauraA2696
    I love Jerry! Found this podcast from listening to THT, love hearing jerry on the podcast. Was so happy to hear he was getting his own, love his opinions.
  • rae.damon
    So Wholesome! ❤️
    A very wholesome podcast that gives love to everyone that writes in. Genuine advice with a lot of heart behind it. Love the podcast and the crew that puts their all into it❤️
  • taylorjourdon
    It’s the best
    They give the best advice and encourage therapy
  • Madeleinesylvester
    Best show ever!
    Found FKS through my favorite podcast Two Hot Takes. I listen to both podcasts now after I get my 7 month old to bed. Seriously the best. I love listening to Morgan Justin and Jerry!!🫶🏼
  • Allyb888
    Love his show
    Love you and Morgan's shows amazing dad you are Jerry !!!
  • hannah kaye j
    Love this listener based podcast!
    I love a good listener based podcast with write ins and engaging with the listeners! This one does not disappoint !! The fks crew gives the best advice, they’re so thoughtful, empathetic, and kind hearted. So thankful I found this show!
  • ReneeJV
    Yes, Father knows something!
    I have been listening since the beginning. This has been a wonderful show. I listen while at work. I have even repeated advice given on here to others. Great show done with love!
  • HannahPaulus
    Love u father 😭
    This podcast is my “comfort show”. So happy I found you guys!
  • Tayebaye
    How do we write in?
    Love the podcast but would like to ask questions but unsure on how to send in
  • Glamer Gabi
    so glad i found this pod
    I love the comfort in your voices and your amazing advice/takes. you guys always speak so gracefully, i struggle with mental illnesses so it’s nice to hear people speak so frankly as well as gently. i love you all i’ll have to write in sometime.
  • camillalove
    Jerry, Morgan, Justin and Holly have kept me company during my long hours at work. I’m a dog groomer that works alone. I love having company I can listen to and resonate with. Jerry has given me comfort ORGANICALLY since the begging. Love the advice, love, support and more! -the lonely dog groomer
  • <3court[a]knee
    Main character
    Only here from THT pod because Jerry is the main character(in my mind lol) and not on there enough anymore. Jerry is a gem and to be treasured at all cost. Listen to this!
  • elh713
    I love this show, I love the perspective of Jerry & Justin. Morgan, I love you but you’ve got to let them have their takes. Morgan tends to dominate the episode when she is on it & also saying things like “sucking someone’s ____” - it literally just becomes another two hot takes. People are intentionally coming here to seek out the wisdom of a man/father figure who is older - most our women & so justin’s insight is also helpful, but l to have Morgan who is in her 20’s sharing her experience for the majority of the episode - it’s not landing and it’s the same advice we can get from our own friends around our same age.
  • Moe_15
    Such good advice and help to those who need it! Thoroughly love listening to this podcast and I wait anxiously for the next episode! Keep it up!
  • meghan mulryan
    Oh Jerry you have my heart
    How do you feel about a 34 year age difference Jer Bear? 👀👀
  • sidnotsyd
    Love this podcast and hearing everyone’s perspectives. Also you can just tell Jerry is such a wonderful and genuinely kind father too! 🤍
  • TayyyNicole
    I have loved listening to internet Dad since two hot takes, I’m finally listening and I just love how calming he is. So glad he’s doing this
  • ln2323
    Great podcast, great advice, great dad.
  • ash119924
    ❤️thanks internet dad
  • Brielle95
    Feels like having a dad for SOLID advice.
    I have a dad but he is not good at talking to. Getting to hear solid and sound fatherly advice is like a a warm hug. P.S the theme song ROCKS! Literally makes me want to dance along!
  • de124848294737
    Great supplement to Two Hot Takes!
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