Your Favorite Band Sucks

Music #99

Become a Paid Subscriber:’s review: there’s no good art and it’s a red flag for adults to have a favorite band. Naturally, most of you will disagree. That's fine. Just pretend it's a drinking game. An algorithm randomly assigns the band Mark & Tyler destroy in every episode. Start on one everybody knows is trash, like The Beatles. But soon you'll realize culture is a pyramid scheme and your favorite band is just the soundtrack to a fake vintage t-shirt. (Get Ad-Free Episodes Here:

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  • Zombieduck0417
    Are there any music artists you actually like?
  • The monzo
    It’s funny
    Do more rap and country
  • djcookout
    Hosts are Weird
    Dudes probably only listen to Jelly Roll
  • KTttttt2
    They completely miss the point and delight in critiquing legit musicians. Clearly a couple of bitter failed rock stars.
  • Steam LD50
    Basic hipster vibes,
    I like the subjects and alternative opinions but the generic prejudices is insanely immature. The little guy literally reminds me of losers that don’t try at anything and mock everyone. Get a personality guy you sound like a drunk sorority girl “like listen to him instead it’s betterrrrr”, boy I could hear you had hand tattoos, man bun, and lms before I googled you and saw you vaping🤣. You can’t attribute a 25year success story to “people just like , go with it…” “it’s total nostalgia” I hate nostalgia baiting and I hate engineered content, like marvel punch lines. But most sales over 20years, maybe have a better view than “sheep”. I’m gunna give em another shot because I wanna hear you guys rip the hipster bands but then you guys put shade on Alice In Chains, Rooster….? That’s a great story about American youth being propagated into the war machine which in this case happens to be his dad… pretty legit, felt, and received.. Find another story this close.
  • ReelNRoll
    I’m not sure what this is supposed to be. Is it satire? I’ll admit, I only made it through 15 minutes of the first episode, but based on Cocaine and Rhinestones I was expecting a well researched show that gave solid arguments about why a given band isn’t actually good. I think a well argued case could be put together for any band. I’m a big Beatles fan and I was looking forward to hearing a good take on why they aren’t good, but this just felt like the most basic, unspecific ranting I’ve heard from people in random conversations, who don’t actually know much about music history, which clearly is not the case for Tyler Mahan Coe. Right off the bat they mention that the whole look of the Beatles was crafted by their manager, specifically mentioning their hair. While Epstein did ask them to start wearing suits, the hair was a style John and Paul chose on there own while visiting a friend in France. Epstein had nothing to do with it, and the hair was more essential to the uniqueness of their look than the suits. This is a basic fact that could have been discovered with a simple web search. I’ll give it two stars because their ranting was humorous, but it’s not for me.
  • curtymarsh
    This show is the breath of fresh air that all the other stale, boring, over rated podcasts should be afraid of.
  • mafdje
    this podcast is SO FUNNY but uh my dad REALLY hates chappel roan i would love to see their take on her😭
  • Every nickname is already take
    It’s easy to talk trash. “Your Least Favorite Band Rocks” would be much more interesting show. “Cocaine and Rhinestones” was good. Coe is obviously smart and passionate, and he should use his talent more productively.
  • Jules the Graff
    This show is amazing
    Love the show. Please do drake lol
  • ✨ ham✨ (Taylor’s version)
    This stuff is so bad they called the beastie boys trash😤😤😡😡😭😭…I don’t recommend this but if you like it that’s ok. Your choice!
  • The PoterKity
    PLEASE RELEASE MORE EPISODES where did you go?!!?!? Do more Beatles and Pink Floyd episodes I love you….. I am a hippie and love Pink Floyd and Beatles and I think their respective episodes are so funny ❤️❤️❤️❤️make moreeeee episodes !!!!!!!MARK PLEASE DO A PODCAST ON THE MUSIC INDUSTRY
  • Girth Algar
    These Dudes Are Trying Their Best
    And it’s still terrible. Even if this isn’t all an act it’s really bad. They both sound like they need SSRI’s and at the same time don’t deserve them. The characters they’re trying to portray themselves as are the type of dudes who would get whooped on if they tried it in public. Thank god for the internet.
  • Wild Jim Stevens
    Like a short cut to thinking.
    Might be the most talentless guys on the entire internet.
  • vers@ce
    These dudes sound like they so badly wanna be apart of something theyre not. Bad insight and know-it-all attitude is a huge turnoff.
  • snstrdrs
    boring fart-sniffing sophistry
  • Irritated Screenplay Writer
    Nice concept but they don’t do anything with it
    The hosts aren’t particularly insightful and apparently think just saying the most provocative, contrarian things they can think of will be entertaining. The problem is, they apparently can’t think up much. Very repetitive and dull.
  • leo_dio
    Brilliant, Scathing, Hilarious
    This podcast does a fantastic job of both rightfully (and at times hyperbolically) barbecuing some of music’s most sacred cows, while also offering a pretty incisive satire of music criticism in general. I think the satire in this show is missed by a lot of the people who are giving negative reviews, that really only becomes apparent after hearing several episodes when they start purposefully contradicting themselves about what the good bands of a specific era are. (Ex. In the Slayer episode, they tell everyone to listen to Metallica, but in the Metallica episode, they tell everyone to listen to Slayer.) Even though Tyler and Mark present themselves as arrogant know-it-alls, ironically, I would say that the main lesson to take away from this show is that nobody should be on their high horse about their music tastes. No artist is beyond criticism. If your favorite band is Aerosmith, you have no business talking down to someone whose favorite band is Limp Bizkit. If you are secure in your music tastes and can take what they say with a grain of salt, there’s a lot of humor and insight to be found in this show. Some of my favorite episodes have been about bands that I absolutely love.
  • IslandMarket
    YFBS Review
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion and many slant their stories, fair enough. The host’s affections are off putting, repulsive. Their arguments often rely on reading others’ minds. They juxtapose past and current culture. Avoid. Anyone trying to earn a living deserves one star, so one star.
  • earpain
    Nothing interesting on these clowns.
  • Zachzhorne
    Country Music🤠
    I listened to almost every episode of this podcast; mygirlfriend heard 3 seconds of a clip and said it was sexist and i realized it’s sadly true 💞🫡thank you for all the information i won’t remember
  • LilGaryMac
    Light listening for music amateurs
    Pretty entertaining to listen to these guys lay into a bunch of popular artists! It becomes pretty obvious pretty quick that this isn't like industry professionals discussing bands and the music; it's clear they don't do a big "deep dive" on research and true intellect and thought for each episode. It's certainly not a podcast for those looking for real discourse and discussion regarding the actually music and everything behind it. And sometimes they seem to be like really offended by the people they are discussing, which is entertaining in itself! I've been forwarding to friends that I think it will elicit a reaction for. Recommended strictly for fun!
  • taint
    A Schtick Too Far
    Look, I get it. No one is above criticism. But what these guys are doing doesn’t even count as criticism. Beavis and Butthead are critical geniuses compared to these guys. There’s no substance whatsoever to this podcast. It’s just pure smarmy negativity. If you like Bill Maher, this podcast is right up your alley.
  • Tholomew Plague
    Somebody has daddy issues
    In an attempt to stand out and trigger fans is actually a pretty funny formula. However these episodes are poorly researched and poorly executed.
  • baljdiegfkd
    Two of THE gayest voices of all time
  • MrsMLCH
    Waste of time
    I was told about these guys and I was curious what they had to say. I figured they had some deep thoughtful comments on why any of these bands are not that great or maybe some inside information on these bands. Nah. Just fools looking for attention. I could barely make it through two episodes.
  • Swervin irv1n
    They are alright but just negative
  • greghead
    No Lies Detected
    These dudes are acting like George Washington, telling no lies. The people dragging this show are probably missing the point. Yes, they’re being serious and yes, they’re joking. I don’t always agree but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Tyler’s music knowledge is absolutely insane and his recommendations are always spot-on 10/10. Mfer has exceptional taste and people should be taking notes when he starts riffing on better bands/artists. The Billy Joel and Fleetwood Mac episodes are absolutely savage takedowns and, again, are telling no lies. Should be mandatory listening in music composition classes.
  • the dado extraordinary
    Big smartalicius podcast
  • Leifherring
    It’s an objective fact that this is a music podcast
    Seems this podcast can perform a miracle of pulling silver spoons out of the tastemakers keisters, and provoking those who only have the ability to breathe through the oral canal. Request: My Chemical Romance. It would be pandemonium.
  • not a nutter
    Lots of judgmental statements and not well researched
    I love to listen to different perspectives, but the tone of this podcast isn’t thought provoking and fun.
  • K Benjamin Stone
    Truly terrible
    Quite an achievement to be this bad. Makes me want to start a podcast about terrible podcasts.
  • KF5EPM
    Best Music Podcast
    Not for the faint of heart, but if you love music AND have a sense of humor and perspective about it, this is the podcast. One request: can we have a Jimmy Buffett Memorial episode now please?
  • zekesurf
    Informative and amusing
    Probably listened to 75% so far, and have greatly enjoyed the uncompromising attitude in the battle between art perception. Rally the troops and head for the painful truth train. Anyway, I know you already complained about this day, and their catalog is huge, But can I get a they might be giants episode. Keep on keepin on dudes
  • Willhomes
    Informed snark
    Crapping on artists at first wasn’t terribly appealing to me as a good way to spend my time, but I am glad I gave YFBS a chance. I even like the episodes of the bands I like. There’s an element of absurdity to almost everything in popular music, so as long as you are secure in your taste the hosts’ comments shouldn’t upset you. And if you’re surprised that successful artists are cynical opportunists (sometimes) as opposed to pure-hearted souls who speak only to you, well….
  • Shotgun Killer
    So true
    Thanx for saying it!
  • Givivibhhibdefb
    I like this podcast
    Going through all the old episodes in order. Got to The Clash. That’s an all cylinders episode, guys. We truly are welcome, but you’ve only done one of my top five favorite bands. So get your $h-t together and do episodes on —
  • Curfresh
    Best podcast ever! Please do more parts to the Beatles, Rolling Stones, the Doors, the Who and Led Zeppelin!!!
  • Blakeb.34
  • qumbblz
    There they are
    I wondered where those 2 goth kids from high school went. They moved in together and live in Nana’s basement. Nana can’t figure out why they need so much Aveno hand cream, but she sure is proud of her journalist grandson. Don’t forget they are smarter than you and much more talented musicians than everyone else except for Mårten & Fredrik. Am I being sarcastic? Man, I can’t even tell myself…
  • DQNC
    Gold Level Trolling
    The bands that these guys say are good lets all their listeners know none of this is meant to be taken seriously. It’s pure trolling.
  • isol8td
    I’ve heard farts more enjoyable than these two
    Tough listen for a podcast that has a lot of opinions on music my god is this a tough listen. You like music I don’t like???? Relax guys it might help you live longer. I used to be like this THANK GOD I didn’t have the dumb idea to make it into a podcast.
  • Eclipx0
    Unfunny and annoying hosts
    Now I’m not offended by the podcast even if some of personal favorite bands or musicians are in some episodes but means they have the right of having these opinions on these bands or musicians they talk about and I can’t change their opinions. Although just not fan of this podcast because the hosts think they’re very funny but they’re not there sense of humor is loud is equals funny. It also seems like they are trying do how many bad words they can every few second I’m fine with bad words but they are just overly doing it gets annoying it just seems the hosts think that you can only get your point across is by say bad words every few seconds like you can get point across without saying bad words every few seconds. And they also think yelling only can get your point across like again with the bad words you can get point across without yelling. Also the hosts think they are so funny but just unfunny and annoying hosts who seem like failed comedians and this their last resort of comedy.
  • FanchickLana
    Could be great
    It’s unfortunate that these hosts think of themselves to be really funny, because this podcast has the potential to be so entertaining just based on the name of it alone. It could just be them making jokes at the expense of the bands they don’t like, and it even poke some harmless fun at the fans of those bands. Instead these guys take themselves way too seriously, and they come off as a couple of random, pretentious bored people. I think they see themselves as certified music critics or something, which is rough, because they don’t realize that they couldn’t be further from that. It also shows narrow their taste in music actually is. They really don’t know a lot about the genuinely good music outside their own bubble. And they’ve admitted to not doing the research that would be helpful to any intelligent conversation they want to have about music, that they do clearly want people to take seriously, which is ironic. But I don’t think anyone really does. They just make themselves look kind of goofy and ignorant. Definitely a missed opportunity to make something that’s both witty and genuinely informative and insightful at the same time. Just a lot potential, wasted. Sorry guys, but you dropped the ball, here.
  • Jdibhe
    Millennial idiocy
    Two liberal millennial idiots. That’s about it
  • mpomara
    New Genre - strong music critique incel vibe
    A good idea getting lost through its delivery. Goes from witty to annoying very quickly
  • Jebulon Pike
    Incredibly moving
    The weaving of history with modern pop culture, the heartbreaking saga of George and Tammy... I'm not sure a better podcast is even possible.
  • Benazir_
    Have never listened, but I love the hater energy
    The era of "let people enjoy things" is over, and that's a good thing.
  • Lucy Fur 666
    Celebrity Roast
    It’s like Celebrity Roasts but for bands. It’s funny when you hate the same band they are trashing. It’s just as funny when you like the band, just in a different way. If you’re offended easily, get out now and come back if you decide to man up.
  • Do_u_like_bosketti
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