Special Sauce with Ed Levine

Arts #173Food #21

Serious Eats' podcast Special Sauce enables food lovers everywhere to eavesdrop on an intimate conversation about food and life between host and Serious Eats founder Ed Levine and his well-known/famous friends and acquaintances both in and out of the food culture.

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Recent Reviews
  • Bsbooker
    LA look at New Orleans
    Look how long it took New Orleans to come back. It was the chefs that bought New Orleans back. Building back will take years. And a lot of people moved away to never to return.
  • mgd1961
    Great show
    Very much enjoy the show but, enough with the pizza already!
  • Juliaaaaaaaaa
    Misrepresentation and political platform
    I recently discovered this podcast, Special Sauce and I was thrilled to find it. However,I was disappointed to see that it took a political turn with the episode featuring Kamala Harris. I appreciate podcasts as a form of entertainment and education and prefer to keep them free from political discussions, unless of course it is a podcast idefined political. I felt like Ed Levine is using his much deserved culinary credentials as a means to promote a political preference . I didn't like it. I appreciate him sharing his work and the podcast. I hope future episodes return to the culinary focus that drew me in , so I can resume listening .
  • Carve625
    Filled with fascinating food people
    It’s interesting to hear the backstories of these different chefs, the journeys are quite varied. Starting a small business is tough, but the guests show that a good concept, solid training and a lot of grit go into this stuff.
  • hawaiigal67373
    Podcast that is both profound and joyful
    I am a huge fan of this podcast. I so appreciate the episodes about Gaza, farm workers rights, and other critical issues. At the same time, I love the joy that shines through in this podcast, as found in the episodes dedicated to chocolate chip cookies and pizza. Hope Special Sauce continues on forever!
  • JeffGC
    I can’t believe Levine devoted an episode to Sulieman Mleahat, a Palestinian. Mleahat’s dialog was riddled with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel comments and Levine made no effort to counter his views. Mleahat’s behavior, when given a platform, was not surprising. Levine’s behavior was appalling. He should be ashamed and one can only assume he is in agreement with Mleahat’s views.
  • LanceDavis33366
    The great show about every aspect of food
    Not a fan of the 2 part episodes but the conversations are always engaging and the guests are fascinating
  • hoangelos
    A must for foodie
    I’ve been following SeriousEats for a long time. The podcast is a great way to get insights on cooking, but also hear from chefs and cookbook authors.
  • etherdog
    Posh is off putting
    Bourdain isn’t a saint, just a flawed human being like the rest of us. Nigella Lawson’s interview was painful. I can’t stand the privileged arrogance. I’ve tried many recipes from her books and they have never failed to disappoint. Your discussion of the movie “Fresh” was stomach churning and the reason I unsubscribed.
  • Try310
    Can any food podcast leave politics alone? It doesn’t seem like too much to ask for.
  • elizavolps
    Less Ed, please
    I had to unsubscribe to this eventually, even though I love the guests, because of how much I dislike Ed’s interview style. He cannot get through a conversation without somehow spotlighting himself. It’s tone deaf, disrespectful and annoying when guests have much more interesting stories that I haven’t already heard 100 times.
  • Chezchelseachef
    President of the US Humane Society
    The President is Kitty Block. Why did Carrie say she is? Carrie is the VP of Communications. Hmmm.
  • Chattasteff
    SFantastic interviews lately. Keep up the good work!
    Love the interviews with tough minded, creative women! And learn so much from Kenji. Thank you!
  • cowbjdfwibibdeSmitty
    Food is politics...sorry complainers
    To those complaining and wanting the host to shut up about politics and just talk about food, here’s a newsflash. Food is politics. And if you don’t know that you are not paying attention and/or you have never experienced food insecurity. Our entire food system is based on politics - how it’s marketed, what we have access to, how farmers are allowed to operated (ya, know, the little thing called the Farm Bill everyone has been talking about), etc. Water is wet, people. Get over yourselves or perhaps tune in to Guy Fieri instead if what you are looking for is all flash and no substance.
  • Pod Love
    Sam Benrubi
  • Evilgizmo
    Something Different
    I love this is more about the people behind the food than the food itself. There are 1000s of podcasts about cooking, but listening to the people behind food is awesome. Keep up the great work.
  • mamaklaas
    No politics please
    Save political commentary for a political podcast. You risk offending, at a minimum, half the country when you inject politics into a food podcast.
  • lucidinferno
    Ed has curated amazing talent and attracts world-class guests. However...
    Ed, the host, seems to make the podcast about himself, and appears to find himself more amusing than what he really is. He constantly turns the conversations with his guests to his struggles starting Serious Eats or how he was a horrible employee, instead of spending as much time as possible on his guests. Also, his referring to knowing famous chefs or having eaten at famous restaurants feels more like name dropping than conversational. Five stars for when someone other than Ed is talking. One for when Ed is talking. Ed, if you read this, congrats on your success. But please make the podcast less about you.
  • ParadigmQ
    2.0 is a big no
    I’d hope the new 2.0 version would improve things, but it’s only gotten worse. •Ed still interrupts his guests and drones on about “when I started Serious Eats...” •The volume is still too low •It’s very NYC-centric •The ask Kenji segment isn’t organized: it’s just Kenji rattling off way too much info way too fast without staying on point •Recycled video content doesn’t translate well for radio, plus I’d rather have new content •Ed’s new voiceovers are done in the most high pitched condescending voice •Sasha Marx’s voice isn’t radio friendly •More Stella Parks and Daniel Gritzer are what’s needed •Most of the guests are great
  • walkingwell
    Interesting guests, but...
    I find myself wishing this podcast was more like the website; more educational. The host seems to find ways to talk about his struggles with starting and running Serious Eats in every episode, which becomes predictable and a little grating.
  • LaSignora3
    Great guests but...
    I have been a listener for years because of the quality and diversity of the guests. However, Ed’s need to always turn the conversation to himself..”when I started Serious Eats...” has become just too boring. Many other food podcasts to enjoy.
  • Dfales
    Stop with the politics. We listen to escape the madness and focus on food! Arrogant host.
    Stop with the politics
  • SarahInChicago
    If you like eating noises, this is for you.
    Sorry guys, I love food talk and I know it’s an audio medium, but I can’t listen to people talking with their mouths full and smacking into a microphone.
  • peoniesandlilacs
    Lazy language
    Ed Levine is an engaging conversationalist, but I stopped listening to the podcast after I heard him repeatedly use the word “seminal” to describe various food-industry luminaries and/or their accomplishments. As a reminder, seminal: adjective sem· i· nal | \ ˈse-mə-nᵊl Definition of seminal 1 : of, relating to, or consisting of seed or semen 2 : containing or contributing the seeds of later development : creative, original a seminal book Ed, I’m begging you—please stop using this highly gendered word to describe important contributions to the industry, and be more thoughtful in general about the way you communicate with guests and listeners.
  • Emily yumyum
    Special Sauce
    Wonderful podcast featuring guests from a range of careers in the food industry. Ed is the best interviewer. He asks great questions while just seeming to have a conversation with his guests. He does all his research too.
  • Esterdotter
    Great guests.
    A varied and interesting range of guests. I especially enjoy the family histories. I just wish Ed would stop interrupting his guests in the middle when they are telling their stories. He puts the words he’s expecting into their mouths, and we never hear what they were going to say.
  • From Flyover Country
    Almost provincial
    I enjoy podcasts about food, but sometimes the whole New York schtick gets to be too much. Especially when the host starts besmirching other region's or country's foods. Yes, that's his opinion, but it can be off putting -- especially when the host (as he tends to do) goes on and on and on like a dog with a bone.
  • JerkTheDirk
    Interesting guests, so let them talk
    Let the guests get a word in edgewise. Ed seems like a charming person, but his hosting and interview skills leave something to be desired. His attempts to relate to guests through sharing his personal experience are perfectly normal for a regular conversation, but in a podcast interview format it leaves something to be desired. With a little polish, or a different host this podcast could be really great. As it stands, it’s just ok.
  • Sharky the sharkdog
    Keep talking Ed!
    I love his conversation! Keep doing what you are doing!
  • Eating in
    Good, but flawed
    I like the premise and Ed sure delivers the good in terms of guests. He also drags good stories out of them. But, wow is this ideologically one-sided. Seriously, does Ed only invite on guests if they fawn over the Obamas? Hilariously, when one guest, one time had the audacity to not say they wanted Obama at their last supper Ed went on to cajole and pester them as he simply couldn't believe such a thing could be possible. Some diversity might go a long way here, as Ed comes across as a typically bigoted leftist far too often, especially for a show about chefs and food (or, you know, how about just LEAVING POLITICS OUT OF IT?)
  • hungrytwenties
    The Best Food Podcast
    If you are looking for a new food podcast this is definitely it. Great conversation and very engaging. 10/10 would recommend.
  • Lvivinative
    Ed and Kenji tackle questions
    Would LOVE to hear more Q&A shows from listener-submitted questions. I learn so much from them - especially when Kenji goes off on a bit of a tangent and gives us the "why" and "how" of how his research into the topics.
  • Lisa@1969
    Rick Bragg❤️
    I love this podcast but this is the only episode I have cried and laughed during. Rick is my kind of people. I haven’t heard rurnt and long handle underwear since my mama and daddy died❤️
  • cjschroth
    Great stuff
    One of my first listens each week. Keep up the good work.
  • BobbyKnights
    Hardly any guest content anymore
    I used to really enjoy this podcast but it seems more and more self involved and less about the guests. Ed should consider changing the title to “when I started Serious Eats...”
  • Megan5555
    Fun guests, distracting host
    I thoroughly enjoy the Serious Eats website and wanted to love this show. I’ve listed to it for over a year, but can’t do it anymore. The guests are so interesting but the host talks about himself and his own accomplishments ad nauseam. Guest comments are often interrupted for the host to interject his own experience. The format of the interviews is also quite rigid, and follow up questions are not often asked, which makes the stories the guests are trying to share feel truncated to me. Not everyone can be Terry Gross.
  • Skeet_gun
    Once again another good podcast goes political. Another deletion.
  • Chris.12.12.12
    I enjoy this every week. Thanks Ed!
  • B. Storm
    My new favorite podcast.
    I love this podcast, so entertaining and authentic...just folks having a juicy conversation. Bravo! I'd love for you in interview Chef Nancy Silverton of La Brea Baker b.storm
  • ChiQ4UF
    Volume up!
    Someone else said this too....volume is too low even when my volume is all the way up when outside noise is a factor.
  • rkahwoosti
    Excellent Podcast
    This is a fun and engaging podcast, but I would love an "Explicit" or "Clean" tag to indicate any swearing. Other than that, I love the interviews.
  • Fauxcheffor5
    Great podcast
    I love this podcast. I am binge listening and will be sad when I have to wait a week got the next one. Love the 'Special Sauce All You Can Answer Buffet'!!
  • Rancho del Freako
    Maybe a little less Ed?
    I enjoy this podcast but the host tends to talk too much about himself.
  • nutjob
    Not necessarily for the home chef
    I love Serious Eats. It's a great website that really speaks to the home chef regardless of skill level. This podcast, by contrast, doesn't seem to address to the same audience. Ed Levine is a great interviewer, to be sure, but his guests are often industry insiders and the conversation often is cogent to the restaurant industry. If I owned my own taco truck or had to deal with Sysco food suppliers or had a degree in hospitality, I might be more interested. But while I have my own immersion circulator, have seared with a welding torch, and made ice cream with liquid nitrogen—topics discussed on Serious Eats—they don't seem to come up often on Special Sauce.
  • Cookingmywaythrougheachday
    Serious Eats is Wonderful!
    Informative, insightful and funny! Ed Levine is a wonderful interviewer who helps the listeners quickly get to know each week's guest, then keep us hooked until we've heard what's in their desert island fridge and who'll be attending their last supper (sans family). I look forward to each week's new episode!
  • nancycola
    Great conversations!
    This might be my first iTunes review and I'm glad because this show needs some attention. The guests here are great. Ed Levine is very capable at steering the conversation to interesting places. His is a voice you won't get tired of. He's like your laid back, funny uncle who has great stories of his own (he used to be a music publicist) and loves to talk food. Meaning you'll want to hang out with him a lot. LOVE this show so far.
  • mango&lime
    Love it!
    Look forward to new episodes every week. Keep it up.
  • Clarkoni
    Great show
    Love the show, one request though....can you turn the volume up? Hard to hear on the subway/streets of NYC.
  • AppleAdam
    Based on the fact that all things SE are great
    Based on the fact that all things Serious Eats are great
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